Jimmy Crikey's Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs Jimmy Crikey's Adventures in the Sky Islands This stand-alone story is the second in the series of Jimmy Crikey's adventures. Jimmy Crikey is the orphan alien brought up by a loving lady who lived on the edge of the forest close to … [Read more...] about Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
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Mark of the Medallion by Mike Shelton
Mark of the Medallion by Mike Shelton He lost his family... ...He’s got voices in his head. And he’s more powerful than they ever imagined. Fifteen-year-old apprentice Kyril is sick of being bullied. And after a tragic fire leaves him orphaned with out-of-control thoughts and powers, he can’t … [Read more...] about Mark of the Medallion by Mike Shelton
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Mark of the Medallion by Mike Shelton
Mark of the Medallion by Mike Shelton He lost his family. He’s got voices in his head. And he’s more powerful than they ever imagined… Fifteen-year-old apprentice Kyril is sick of being bullied. And after a tragic fire leaves him orphaned with out-of-control thoughts and powers, he can’t wait … [Read more...] about Mark of the Medallion by Mike Shelton
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Curse of the Sea by Joni Parker
Curse of the Sea by Joni Parker A NATO training exercise goes terribly wrong when five warships from different countries are mysteriously transported to Eledon, the Realm of the Elves. The warrior Lady Alexin is charged to escort the troops back home to London in the year 2031 with the aid of the … [Read more...] about Curse of the Sea by Joni Parker
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Edge of Death by Joni Parker
Edge of Death by Joni Parker In this second installment of The Admiralty Archives, the warrior Lady Alexin, the Keeper of the Keys for the Elf realm of Eledon, finds herself exiled to the harsh world of near-future London. Rendered little more than a political pawn by the Elfin Council of Elders … [Read more...] about Edge of Death by Joni Parker
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Jinx Hamilton Box Set Books 1-6 by Juliette Harper
Jinx Hamilton Box Set Books 1-6 by Juliette Harper For the first time in a single ebook collection, enter the world of Briar Hollow, North Carolina, with the first six books of The Jinx Hamilton Mysteries. Set in a fictional town near the Blue Ridge Mountains, Jinx, a former waitress, inherits a … [Read more...] about Jinx Hamilton Box Set Books 1-6 by Juliette Harper