The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: The Emerald Lake by Wallace Briggs This is a stand-alone, fourth in series, The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey, the alien orphan who, despite cruel bullying, decided to make his home on Earth. He numbers among his friends the four witch guardians of Earth’s realms and … [Read more...] about The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey: The Emerald Lake by Wallace Briggs
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Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
Jimmy Crikey's Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs Jimmy Crikey's Adventures in the Sky Islands This stand-alone story is the second in the series of Jimmy Crikey's adventures. Jimmy Crikey is the orphan alien brought up by a loving lady who lived on the edge of the forest close to … [Read more...] about Jimmy Crikey’s Adventures in the Sky Islands by Wallace Briggs
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Alpha Tales 2044 by Wesley Britton
Alpha Tales 2044 by Wesley Britton Alpha Tales 2044 is a collection of short stories set in a future after climate change and weaponized plagues have devastated much of our planet. It continues the adventures of characters from three earths now bound together in flight from a humanity fearful of … [Read more...] about Alpha Tales 2044 by Wesley Britton
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War and Money, Book 1 by Sofia Diana Gabel
War and Money, Book 1 by Sofia Diana Gabel The alien wars are unending. In 2187, Earth has the Katarga trapped on the moon, refusing to allow them to escape. The Piltrak and Jurale are pending threats, which forces Global Command to recruit 15-year-olds as soldiers. Dax, low-status and a … [Read more...] about War and Money, Book 1 by Sofia Diana Gabel
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Invasion by PP Corcoran
Invasion by PP Corcoran The Carters enjoy life on colony world, Agate. The K'Tai invade. Can the Carter's use their secret past to save Agate from the K'Tai aggressors? Humanity, previously dependent on the K'Tai for its Redlazore, discovers vast resources of the most valuable mineral in the … [Read more...] about Invasion by PP Corcoran
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From Shattered Stars by R. Curtis Venture
Targeted Age Group:: 16+ Riishi has fallen, and with it a mighty empire. The Viskr Junta is no more. After witnessing the end of that civilisation at the hands of the great enemy, Elm Caden no longer has any doubts: Voice is a threat to all of humanity, and the Shaeld Hratha are his most potent … [Read more...] about From Shattered Stars by R. Curtis Venture
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The Ravening Deep by R. Curtis Venture
Targeted Age Group:: 16+ Panic grips the Many Worlds. Across the Empire, dozens of colonies have already stopped responding. Mighty dreadships are sighted with alarming frequency, and chilling reports trickle back from the outer star systems every single day. The Falling has been visited upon … [Read more...] about The Ravening Deep by R. Curtis Venture