In “A Tale of Two Fathers”, author Timothy Powell (a pen name) recounts growing up with an abusive and narcissistic father, as well as the threats and stalking he endured as a young man. He openly shares the long-term pain and emptiness he carries from those experiences, and examines the effect that abusive and neglectful parents can have on a person’s relationship with God and understanding of who He is.
But through it all, God is good, revealing Himself as a perfect loving Heavenly Father who is nothing like Powell’s earthly father. God took extraordinary steps to protect him from the worst, revealing to him the truth and healing power of Jesus Christ, and preparing him to be a messenger to the broken-hearted.
Now God is calling the author to share his story with the world, to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a very personal way by contrasting his earthly father to his Heavenly Father, contrasting the brokenness of our sinful world with the love and goodness of God and the eternity He’s promised us through Jesus Christ.
Powell discusses his own recurring battles with fear, depression, and a deep lack of trust, providing resources that God gave him to carry him through, and explains the importance of setting yourself free from unforgiveness in order to live the life God wants for you.
Powell hopes his story will help other victims of child abuse or neglect. He wants to reach out to those who are having trouble overcoming their past or connecting with God because of what’s been done to them. He wants them to know that despite what they feel or what others have told them, they are not left behind and ignored. God sees them, God knows them, God loves them, and God wants to heal them.